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Man hid £38-worth of cannabis near his genitals

Extended community service for 20-year-old

A man from Douglas who hid cannabis near his genitals has been ordered to do community service.

Twenty-year-old Liam David Skillicorn of Lheannag Park appeared before magistrates at Douglas courthouse.

He admitted possessing cannabis on 15 September in Shoprite’s Car Park on Victoria Road in Douglas.

Prosecution advocate Hazel Carroon told the court police on patrol spotted Skillicorn after he passed them twice in different directions on Marathon Road in Douglas.

Officers followed his VW Golf before stopping the car in the car park and speaking to him.

When they smelled cannabis, they searched him and he told the officers he was carrying £38 worth of the class B drug.

Magistrates heard two months earlier in July, he’d been handed a 120-hour community service order breaching a pub ban and assault.

He was ordered to complete another 40 hours of community service at the end of his current term.

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