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Living wage takes priority in Keys

Final sitting of October

Some now familiar issues in Manx politics will be discussed in the House of Keys this morning (Tuesday).

Means testing, the living wage and energy supplies all feature on the order paper among 14 questions, ten for oral answer.

Ramsey member Lawrie Hooper wants to know whether parts of government should become living wage employers and if procurement policy will favour those who offer the aspirational rate of pay.

Garff's Daphne Caine will press the Infrastructure Minister on means testing for public sector housing tenants, while Arbory Castletown and Malew member Jason Moorhouse wants an update on the progress of the animal welfare bill.

Meanwhile, North Douglas MHK David Ashford has a query about a lack of jobs in the north of the Island (audio below).

Other business includes a third reading of the Customs and Excise Bill 2017, whilst Garff MHK Martyn Perkins will ask to introduce a Private Member’s Bill to amend the law relating to consent for organ donation.

You can hear question time live on Manx Radio's 1368 AM frequency from 10am.

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