Commissioners' hopes that new volunteers will secure future of fair
Garff Commissioners are urging parents in the area to join the Laxey Fair Committee.
This year's event was 'rested' with the committee saying the format would have to be reconsidered.
A meeting is being held in the village on Monday, 2 October at 7pm to discuss the fair's future.
The local authority hopes that if parents get involved it will be well-coordinated and meet the needs and expectations of the school community.
A meeting was arranged in July for parents from Laxey School, and the wider community, but not enough people went for the fair to be organised.
A second took place earlier this month and the commissioners say it was agreed by the volunteers that unless new people joined it will be almost impossible to form a new Laxey Fair Committee.
The October meeting will take place at the commissioner's offices on New Road.