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Isle Pay it Forward scheme introduces 'Kids Grub Club'

Cards allow people in need to collect items of food or drink

A charitable scheme which allows people to collect items of food or drink paid for by previous customers is expanding, just over a year since its creation.

'Isle Pay it Forward' cards are given to people in need by charities including the Salvation Army, Graih and the Isle of Man Foodbank.

It's now introducing 'Kids Grub Club' cards for primary school children to use during the holidays, at times when they won't receive a free school meal.

Currently fourteen cafes around the Island are involved, with hopes more will sign up in the future.

The scheme started in January 2023, when just four venues were involved.

Organiser, Tina Brennen, told Manx Radio why the initiative is needed:

You can listen to the full interview here.

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