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Students chalk-up A level success

High precentage gain top grades

The overall pass rate for Island students taking A levels this year is 98.1%.

That's in line with last year - and the UK's pass mark - and up on all other years since 2010.

Just under 350 students at the Island's five secondary schools have received their exam results today.

Analysis from the Department of Education shows 42% achieved the top A*-B grades, while 7.3% were awarded an A* grade, just below last year's figure of 8%.

Between them the students sat a total of 1000 A levels in more than 40 subjects.

Among notable successes, a student who scored 100% in all four of his exams, and another who achieved 4 A* grades, and goes straight into the second year reading chemical engineering at Edinburgh University. 

School Improvement Adviser Joel Smith says there promising signs most students seeking university places have acheived one of their top choices:

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