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Illiam Dhone to be remembered again

Annual commemoration at Hango Hill

A martyr to some, a traitor to others - the life and death of one Manx cultural figure will once again under the historical lens later.

The annual Illiam Dhone Commemoration ceremony takes place today, hosted by Mec Vannin and the Mannin Branch of the Celtic League at Hango Hill, near Castletown.

Dhone was executed on that same ground in 1663, on charges of high treason brought against him by the 8th Earl of Derby.

To this day, he remains a hugely divisive character in Manx history.

Addressing crowds at Laa Cooinaghtyn this year will be Peter Crellin, with a Manx Gaelic oration on the Island as a 'seat of celticism'.

He'll be joined by Dr John Callow, speaking (in English) about surviving historical accounts of the 17th Century Manx Uprising.

All will be invited to the George Hotel in Castletown afterwards for traditional music and festivities.

Last year's keynote speech, by Policy and Reform Minister Chris Thomas, pondered what Illiam Dhone would have made of 'fake news', and the issue of sharing wealth across modern Manx society.

Mr Thomas says things have progressed since then:

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