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'High-risk' residents still self-isolating until 30 June

Consultants' 'shielding letter' recommends continued lockdown

Social distancing and self isolation rules have had a wide-ranging impact on Manx society in all sorts of ways, but some people in particular have been left feeling very lonely indeed.

For those who live alone and find themselves in a 'high-risk' category, lockdown has required a heightened sense of resilience and routine.

Janice called into Manx Radio's Mannin Line to offer one definition of 'vulnerable' demographics.

She said on 16 April, many citizens had been in receipt of a 'shielding letter' from their hospital consultant, instructing them to stay 'locked down' apart from one hour outside per day until 30 June, because of their health risk category.

Janice spoke to Andy Wint about her experiences:

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