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Heroes to be recognised at awards

Ordinary folk with special qualities honoured

Unsung heroes in the Island will be honoured in a major event next week.

The Chief Contable's Annual Awards Ceremony is taking place on Wednesday, 14 June.

It's being jointly hosted by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor.

Those who, over the past year, have displayed remarkable resilience and bravery when the going gets tough, will be publicly honoured by the head of the Constabulary.

A number of police officers and ordinary members of the public who saved lives, displayed extraordinary courage and exhibited quick thinking are up for gongs.

There will also be a ceremonial passing out of new student police officers, tributes to lost colleagues, and staff promotions.

The Chief Constable, Gary Roberts, says this year's recognitions are more important than ever before - as the growing threat of global terror shows us how any of us can find ourselves in 'hugely challenging and difficult situations' in the blink of an eye.

This year's ceremony takes place at 2.15pm in the Gaiety Theatre, Douglas.

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