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Fully vaccinated residents and non-residents to travel freely from 28 June

Tynwald members agree to 'two plus two' system

Tynwald members have agreed to ease the Island's border policy at the end of this month.

From 28 June both residents and non-residents will be able to move freely on and off-Island if they've been fully vaccinated.

The 'two plus two' phase means people must have had both doses of their Covid-19 vaccine and two weeks must have elapsed since.

In a lengthy Tynwald debate on the motion some had concerns, and asked for mitigations for travellers - like Douglas South MHK Claire Christian:

A number of members also raised concerns about children at risk, as the age group unvaccinated.

Education Minister Dr Alex Allinson however tried to allay such fears:

Health Minister David Ashford was also keen to provide some reassurance:

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