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Flybe takes centre stage in Keys

MHKs will have plenty to discuss when the House of Keys sits later this morning (Tuesday).


There are 16 questions for oral answer and another 17 for written reply, as well as three bills to be steered through the house.


Airline Flybe – and its decision to close its Island base next year – is on the minds of West Douglas MHK Chris Thomas, Onchan MHK Peter Karran and North Douglas MHK Bill Henderson.


Each has a question on the impact of the closure.


North Douglas MHK John Houghton has more questions for Community, Culture and Leisure Minister Graham Cregeen about the trial of bendy buses, which concluded Manx roads weren’t suitable for the vehicles.


Car parking problems at Noble’s Hospital will be raised by Mr Karran, while plans to redevelop car parks in central Douglas are the subject of a question by Mr Thomas.


New bills up for discussion are the Copyright Bill from Laurence Skelly MHK, up for its second reading; an Income Tax amendment Bill from Treasury Minister Eddie Teare – up for its third reading – and the Foreign Companies Bill, also from Mr Teare, which faces its clauses stage.


You can hear live coverage of Keys questions on Manx Radio’s AM1368 frequency – and at – from 10am


Legislative Council also sits at 10.30am today, to discuss two bills.

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