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Fisherman 'lucky to avoid jail' after spitting at PC

Ordered to pay £200 compensation to officer

A Crosby fisherman who spat in a police officer’s face has been told he’s lucky not to have been jailed.

Twenty-four-year-old Jason Craig Quayle, of Rearyt-ny-Chrink, appeared at Douglas Courthouse.

He'd previously pleaded guilty to threatening behaviour, assaulting police, resisting officers and possessing cannabis on 5 April.

Quayle was refused alcohol in Shoprite in Michael Street in Peel at around 1.40pm after staff saw he was drunk.

In response he shouted abuse and knocked over a display stand – staff called police and he left the area.

But just two hours later he went back to the shop where officers were taking statements from workers.

As he was being arrested he struggled with police and later, at Police Headquarters, spat in the face of an officer.

Handing him a six-month jail term suspended for two years, magistrates said spitting at police was “the lowest of the low”.

Quayle was also ordered to pay £200 compensation to the officer he assaulted and £125 in prosecution costs as well as being banned from entering on-licensed premises or purchasing alcohol for 12 months.

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