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First batch of Covid-19 vaccine arrives on Island

Extensive preparations for roll-out of mass vaccination programme

The first batch of Covid-19 vaccine has arrived in the Isle of Man.

Extensive preparations are underway to prepare for the first Island residents to be vaccinated, heralding the start of the biggest mass vaccination programme ever undertaken in the Island. 
The first phase of the vaccination is expected to last eight weeks and will focus on healthcare staff, care home residents and workers, and the over-80s.

Vaccinators will visit care homes to give residents their jabs, while health and care staff will be vaccinated in their workplace, or be invited to attend Noble’s or Ramsey Cottage Hospital for their jab. 
Island residents will be invited to a vaccination hub at an area at Ronaldsway Airport later on in the programme, as priority groups are called.

In addition, patients need to be given a second dose of the vaccine 21 days after the first.

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