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Final budget meeting in west

Nursing and residential care meeting also in town

Having been to the east, north and south of the Island, the final budget discussion meeting takes place in the west this evening (Thurs 25)

There is a change of venue with a switch from Peel Town Hall to across the road at the Corrin Hall in the cathedral grounds.

The drop-in session starts at 7.30pm and will be led by Treasury Minister Alfred Cannan.

Meanwhile, the final in a series of meetings on the future of the Island's nursing and residential care system also takes place in Peel today.

Public Health have been speaking to members of the public to find out how Manx residents think such services should be funded.

Tonight's final session will take place at Peel Clothworker's school, between 6 and 7.30pm, to allow people time to attend both sessions should they wish to do so.

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