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Empty care home beds cost £40,925

Average number of beds not being used falls

Empty beds at a Government-owned care home have cost more than £40,000 since June.

A response to a written question from Douglas South MHK Kate Beecroft in this week's sitting of the House of Keys revealed occupancy at the Salisbury Street residential home in Douglas has been at 92% over the last five months.

The Department of Health and Social Care pays Adorn Domiciliary Care to run the 40-bed facility.

In the 22 weeks between the start of June and the end of October this year, an average of 4.5 beds have been unoccupied at the home each week.

The home has only been at capacity for three weeks during this period, meaning £40,925 has been spent on empty beds.

However, the average number of beds not being used each week has fallen, as occupancy had been around 85% between last October and June this year.

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