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Drunk Douglas man breaks licensing ban

Ralph Walker pleaded guilty to being drunk in public space

A Douglas man has been fined after getting so drunk he fell over, despite being subject to a court-ordered licensing ban.

Ralph Walker of Derby Road appeared before High Bailiff Jayne Hughes at Douglas Courthouse.

He pleaded guilty to being drunk in a public place in Strand Street in Douglas on 5 July.

Prosecution advocate James Robinson told the hearing police were called to North Quay in Douglas by a member of the public shortly after 6pm.

Walker had fallen over but managed to get to his feet and leave the area before officers arrived.

They later found him in Strand Street, where he was unsteady on his feet and smelled strongly of alcohol.

The court heard Walker had been given a licensing ban in March after assaulting a shop worker who refused to sell him cans of lager.

Mrs Hughes said she wouldn’t impose a new ban as that order still had more than a year left to run, but imposed a £100 fine and ordered Walker to pay £125 prosecution costs.

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