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Defibrillator for Shaw's Brow

Joint initiative between Council and local charity

Douglas Borough Council has joined forces with Manx charity Craig’s Heartstrong Foundation to provide an automatic external defibrillator, or AED, at Shaw’s Brow car park.

The unit has been fixed to the car park’s external wall in Barrack Street at the junction with Church Street.

It's the second device the two organisations have installed, after an AED was provided for Nobles Park earlier this year.

Environmental services committee chairman Ritchie McNicholl says sudden cardiac arrest can happen at any time, anywhere, often far from a hospital, and a rapid response by a bystander using an AED can substantially improve the sufferer’s chances of survival.

The council has staff trained in the use of defibrillators which are also are installed at Douglas town hall, Douglas golf course, Henry Bloom Noble Library, Douglas borough crematorium and Ballacottier service centre.

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