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Crowd-funding page for man at centre of DEFA trespass case

Court case being heard on Monday

A crowd funding page has been set up to raise money for the man at the centre of a trespass case with the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture.

Dan Richardson has lived in a self-built cabin on the corner of field below Ramsey forest for the last two years but is now being take to court by DEFA as his woodland holding infringes three metres onto the department’s estate.

He has refused to move, despite eviction notices.

Mr Richardson's cabin has been nominated for a biosphere award and his sustainable lifestyle praised by DEFA Minister Geoffrey Boot.

The GoFundme page aims to raise £1000 to offset what are described as "the unjust charges that Dan is being penalised for . . . despite living a low impact life that we all need to adjust to."

Mr Richardson will appear before the Civil Summary Court this Monday, 25 November, and could face a £500 fine.


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