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Crews called to unattended campfire

Fire service urges people to be responsible to avoid wildfires

Laxey crews have been called out to take care of a campfire left unattended at Axnfell forest.

Following the incident, which happened this morning (25 July), the Fire Service is urging people to act safely and responsibly in the good weather.

Officers say though the fire wasn't out of control vegetation is tinder dry and increases the risk of wildfires, which can damage land and act as a resource burden for emergency services.
They're asking the public to comply with the following:

* Do not light bonfires, campfires or barbeques anywhere near combustible vegetation;

* Do not light and release Chinese Lanterns;

* Do not place disposable barbeques directly on the ground and preferably avoid their use altogether;

* Do not dispose of smouldering cigarettes out of car windows, particularly whilst driving through the uplands;

* Take your litter home with you. Discarded glass bottles can ignite fires.

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