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Could former post office become accountancy firm? 

Change of use application submitted in Peel

Peel’s former post office could be turned into an accountancy firm.

A planning application for ‘additional use’ for the shop at 29 Douglas Street has been submitted.

If successful it would see the building retain its status for retail use but also permit it to be used for office space.

The building’s owner says it has a potential tenant lined up and adds if the additional use was granted it would provide them with ‘flexibility’ for the future.  

The post office was closed, and counter services moved to SPAR, in July this year.

The ATM will remain available - you can find out more HERE.

A separate application has been made for the demolition of a wall, and the installation of a new fence, behind the former post office for the 'security' of future tenants.

The submission says it's because people regularly trespass on the land.

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