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Consultation launched into future of Bishop's vote

Have your say on the church's role in Tynwald

The Ramsey MHK and leader of Liberal Vannin Lawrie Hooper has launched a public consultation today - to find out what you think about the Bishop having a vote in Tynwald.

Talks on this issue came to a halt in December when the proposals were adjourned following Onchan MHK Rob Callister's call for the consultation which was supported by 13 MHKs, with 11 voting against.

Mr Hooper says removing the vote is something which he and his party believe is fundamental to democracy - since the Bishop isn't elected by the public

So Beth Espey asked him, if that was so important, why he wasn't tackling the wider issue of Legislative Council:

The consultation will run for eight weeks, you can give your view HERE.

And you can hear the full interview with Mr Hooper here:

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