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Community service for flat damage

Man admits "I smashed the place up"

A man who smashed up the flat he then lived in with his wife has been ordered to carry out 80 hours of community service.

Thirty-one-year-old Craig James Scholes, now of Cronk-y-Berry, appeared before Deputy High Bailiff Jayne Hughes for sentencing, having pleaded guilty at a previous appearance.

Hiding in the bedroom Scholes's wife called police just after midnight on 9 February this year, telling officers he'd come back to the flat on New Road in Laxey after he'd been out drinking and started throwing items around.

A television and laptop were both broken, while a large bookcase was also tipped over.

When officers arrived, Scholes was sat outside the property and told them, 'I'm the one you want. I smashed the place up'.

In court yesterday, he pleaded guilty to the charge of damaging property.

Scholes and his wife had been going through matrimonial difficulties and were now estranged, said his advocate.

In addition to the community service, Scholes must pay his wife £698 in compensation for the damaged items, and pay £125 towards prosecution costs.

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