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Claims of inequality in Pre-school system

Malarkey criticises Department of Education

Pre-school children in parts of the Island are missing out, following the decision, in 2012 to transfer state-funded nurseries into private ownership.

In a strongly worded criticism of the Department of Education and Children's move to privatise pre-schools, South Douglas MHK Bill Malarkey said children, particularly those in socially deprived areas, had suffered inequality.

It was a decision which split the department at the time and ultimately led to one member resigning and another being sacked.

In Tynwald yesterday, Mr Malarkey highlighted the importance of state-run pre-schools - the link which used to exist between them and the introduction to primary schools.

He urged Education chiefs to speak to school heads to assess what they thought of the new system, where a voucher system allow parents a set number of pre-school sessions per year for their children.

However, the Minister who made the decision, Peter Karran, and current minister Tim Crookall insisted the system now in place was both fairer and more accessible than the previous one.

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