The Celtic League has joined the row about disposing of silt from Peel Harbour.
Yesterday, the Department of Infrastructure began dredging the harbour and taking the potentially contaminated waste to Poortown.
There, it’ll be stored in specially-lined ponds to prevent heavy metals such as cadmium from leaking away.
But a number of spills onto the road sparked the ire of local residents within hour of the transport operation getting underway.
Today, the Celtic League’s Director of Information Bernard Moffatt has written to Chief Minister Allan Bell, asking him to intervene in the row between the department, local residents and German Commissioners.
German’s local authority is due to host a public meeting in St Johns in Thursday evening to air concerns from local residents.
Mr Moffatt claims the logistics of handling the silt haven’t been properly assessed, and says he’s concerned the leaking trucks will have passed Peel Clothworkers School.
Mr Moffatt, in his letter, asks Mr Bell to stop the silt being moved until its containment can be assured.