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Castletown rates to increase 2.58%

Local authority chair says rating system is archaic and in need of reform

Castletown ratepayers will be paying 2.58 percent more in the new financial year.

The town's commissioners have announced a rate of 398 pence in the pound, as well as a 4.5 percent increase to the refuse levy to £230.

It equates to an extra 42p per week for the average residential property in Castletown.

Chair of the board Beth Cannan says maintaining rates at their current level would not have been prudent for the town's longer-term financial stability, despite the board having made progress building reserves.

She also described the Island's rating system as archaic, not fit for purpose and in dire need of reform.

In a statement she said: "In line with my statement last year, the focus of my board has been to return the town to a robust financial position, and I am confident that we have achieved that objective. Beyond a commitment to seek a replacement road sweeper, my board has not committed the incoming board to any significant expenditure during the next financial year.

"Given the progress we have made in building reserves, there was discussion about maintaining rates at their current levels. While this would have been an easy political decision, we felt it would not be prudent for the town’s longer-term financial stability.

"Significant upgrades to street lighting have long been planned in the town centre, and with the DOI project for Arbory and Malew Streets recently receiving planning approval, we hope this project will finally come to fruition. Officers are also working with Manx Utilities to identify schemes that can be implemented in residential streets.

"We have several projects we aim to deliver before the end of this term. These include improvements to the Bowling Green play area and the publication of a master plan for Poulsom Park, which will be subject to further public consultation.

"The Square has remained a key discussion point throughout this term, and we continue to support its evolution with investment for all seasons. My board has also resolved to release more town centre contract spaces for general public use, effective from 1st April.

"Unfortunately, the refuse rate is increasing above inflation; however, the key costs of the Energy from Waste gate fee and contributions to the Southern Civic Amenity Site (SCAS) are rising by 5.3% and 4.9%, respectively.

"While some of these anticipated costs are being absorbed, revised fees and usage policies at the SCAS are leading to increased incidents of fly tipping. Additionally, growing trade debtors in our commercial waste services and the inappropriate disposal of commercial waste in public and residential bins remain significant concerns. We will likely need to allocate additional resources to address these issues.

"As has become customary when announcing the forthcoming rates, I would like to echo the comments made by my predecessors and highlight our firm belief that the island’s archaic rating system is not fit for purpose and is in dire need of reform.”


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