It could cost £8,000 of ratepayers money
Castletown Commissioners has agreed to create a plan for the long-term future of Market Square.
It was brought up by Chair Beth Cannan who said it’s a community space and if the local authority wants to keep the square closed for winter it’s needed.
She also said it helps reduce anti-social behaviour because there would be something for the young people to do.
Clerk Hugo Mackenzie confirmed that he had previously asked about a plan and was quoted £8,000, and he said it would have to serve three purposes – community, events and a space for markets.
Commissioner Jimmy Cubbon said the board would have to spend ratepayer’s money on something which might not ‘materialise’.
The board has approval for a closure between March and September and a ‘seasonal’ closure in December.
It was agreed to request a meeting with the Department for Enterprise and the architects.
The commissioners declined to comment on Market Square further.
Castletown Commissioners also rejected a request by the Southern Civic Amenity Site Committee to collect fly tipping on a rota system between the southern local authorities.
The committee has requested that commissioners which have ‘outside staff’ to collect items which may fall out of their catchment.
Commissioner Jamie Horton believes residents would see it as a service and could encourage them to ‘dump’ more items.
He added that staff shouldn’t have to collect items which have been fly tipped outside their area.
Commissioner Colin Leather said each local authority should look after itself, and he would prefer to see a different system in place.
He suggested introducing a voucher system or adding £1 to the refuse charge and that covers payment for disposing of white goods for everyone.
Mr Mackenzie said those had been requested but had been rejected, and the town gets a ‘reasonable’ amount of fly tipping but doesn’t publicise it.
The request from the SCAS was unanimously rejected.
Castletown Commissioners will next meet on Monday 7, April.