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Cannabis teen banned from driving

More than twice UK's legal cannabis limit

A young woman spotted driving badly has been banned from the roads for two years after being found unfit to drive through cannabis.

Eighteen-year-old Emily Lauren Edge of Main Road in Crosby appeared before High Bailiff Jayne Hughes at Douglas courthouse this week.

She pleaded guilty to being unfit to drive through drugs, and possessing alprazolam.

The court heard she’d been stopped by police on South Quay in Douglas on 13 August last year, and tests showed she was more than twice the UK’s legal cannabis limit.

Then, on 12 September, Edge took an overdose of anti-anxiety drug alprazolam, for which she didn’t have a prescription.

Mrs Hughes fined her £1,000 for driving whilst unfit and banned her from the roads for two years.

Edge will have to pass an extended driving test before she can get her licence again.

She was also fined £100 for possessing a class C drug, and was ordered to pay £175 towards prosecution costs.

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