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Island labelled a 'secretive tax haven'

Tax Justice Network highly critical

A UK campaigner claims the Manx government is clearly allowing 'tax haven' activity to happen, and in some cases, encouraging it.

John Christensen is Director of the Tax Justice Network, an organisation which measures levels of 'financial secrecy' across the globe.

He warns that external pressure is building in the UK and EU for major reform of offshore tax jurisdictions.

The Manx government denies any wrongdoing has taken place, but says if proof is provided it will investigate any claims.

Mr Christensen's film, titled 'the Spider's Web', explores 'Britain's offshore empire', and is being screened at the Manx Museum next Monday (20 Nov) by the Positive Action Group.

He says the Island isn't the worst offender when it comes to facilitating tax avoidance, but overall doesn't fare well:    

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