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Border changes could be 'upsetting' for those who can't have jab

Some with severe allergies unable to receive vaccine

A Manx organisation believes the latest borders approach could be 'upsetting' for those who can't have a Covid-19 vaccine for medical reasons.

From 28 June fully-vaccinated residents, and non-residents, will be able to travel to and from the Isle of Man without restrictions.

Questions have been raised, however, about whether the approach discriminates against certain age groups who haven't both jabs at this stage as well as those who may not be able to receive one for medical reasons.

Current government guidance says some with severe allergies or certain blood disorders cannot have the vaccine at this time. 

Jules Sum is the Founder of Allergy Village - a service which provides information and support for those with allergies and intolerances - and also runs the Isle of Man Allergy and Anaphylaxis Support page on Facebook:

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