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Bonfire plea from government

People urged not to have them during Covid-19 lockdown

The government is appealing for people to support their neighbours as well as the emergency services by not lighting bonfires during the coronavirus pandemic.

A post on social media says it's not looking to ban garden fires at this time, but people are asked to avoid burning domestic and garden waste as it can be dangerous and cause a nuisance to those living nearby.

Government says it recognises people may be producing more rubbish than usual under the current conditions, and acknowledges the civic amenity sites are currently closed, but it's asking people to temporarily store any excess waste until restrictions are lifted.

The Island's chief fire officer, Kevin Groom, has echoed government's pleas.

He says fires can spread quickly, particularly during dry spells like the one we're currently experiencing, can cause serious damage and disruption for other people, and put extra pressure on the already busy emergency services.

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