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Ban for drug driver caught in McDonalds queue

21-year-old was also fined £1,000

An Onchan man has been banned from the road for two years after being caught drug driving whilst waiting in a queue for fast food.

A police officer, who was observing the traffic near McDonalds on Peel Road, smelt cannabis coming from the Audi belonging to Brandon William Clague Lindsay on 18 April.

He carried out a drug wipe test which indicated a positive result for the Class B substance – Lindsay, of Ashley Park, was arrested and taken to Police Headquarters.

The 21-year-old provided a subsequent blood sample which showed he has over the legal limit by 1.3 micrograms.

At Douglas Courthouse Lindsay’s advocate described the limit as being set at a ‘punitive level’ by government adding that the driving ban would have a ‘devastating impact’ on his client.

Fining Lindsay £1,000 Magistrates told him: “You’re putting the public at risk by driving under the influence of drugs.

“We hope this doesn’t blight your prospects too much but it’s a solitary lesson to be learnt.”

They added that the message ‘really needs to get out there’ that the Isle of Man Courts of Justice takes the issue of drug driving as seriously as drink driving.

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