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Attorney General to face re-trial


The Island’s Attorney General is to face a re-trial.

It’s been confirmed the prosecution in the case of Stephen Harding has applied to the court for a directions hearing to set a date for a re-trial.

Mr Harding denies charges of perjury and committing acts against public justice.

On Friday afternoon, the jury was discharged after being unable to reach a unanimous verdict.

A statement issued this afternoon (Monday) by Laurence Keenan Advocates, who were the advocates for the prosecution, reads: ‘The prosecution confirms that it has made an application to the Court of General Gaol Delivery for a hearing to be had and directions given in connection with setting of the date for the commencement of the retrial of Mr S.M. Harding.

‘It is expected that a date for such hearing will be notified in the near future.’


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